Monday, July 21, 2008


Today Kheny din come work coz her grandparents pass away.. So today works was quite busy... Den all the time busy answering the phone this and tat.. I took my lunch was quite late around 3 something coz alot of things to do and my bro take few hour for lunch.. My dad was piss at him so much.. Den he came back rushing something for it.. I felt headache after eating the KON LOU MEE, he buy for me... So suck man is super super suck... Headache till go back i rest for 20 minute.. den had my dinner.. after dinner take a nap for 10 minute again.. Den my aunt fetch me to 1U for futsal.. On the way going i sleep for awhile coz my headache still pain... Reach there change den is time for gaming.. Gaming that time better.. hehehe.. todays game was nice coz of MAX and Ruben strategic which they don score goal but just assist so that they wont be goal keeping..(Smart ass).. Later game we chill for 10 - 15 minute den i follow chun hoo go back... Reach home i bath change and everything.. After that i chat with my baby for a while den after that I went to bed already coz my headache coming back... thats y i today only do my blogging.. lazy ass me.hehe.. i blogging now at office coz i nth much to do for today only...thats all for yesterday news.. tats all..

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