Friday, July 25, 2008

What a Day...

As usual morening wake up for work..around 10.45am my uncle come to my office to write order mean while also visit my mom..actually is my mom's brother also work in hardware industry... den asking about his products and offering his products to us... anyway i din know my cousin can smoke in front of my uncle means his man him, balls big bastard... so he chit chat till 2.55pm den he got to leave u know the whole time talk talking to us he been smoking for 8 sticks within 4 thats alot... after that i had my koay teow goreng for my lunch... i lazy buy so i ask my worker go buy for me.. haha lazy me... i took my lunch at 3.45pm abit late coz i lazy want to go out eat some more u know taking lunch alone is so sad case u know..haih... after that we close our shop at 6.00pm... so sad tonite not playing futsal.. dinner , online den talk on the phone lor... i sleep around 11 something i also forget wat time..hehe...tats all for today.. ciaoz..

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