Friday, July 18, 2008

Is Just A GAME..

Yesterday i lazy to go blogging coz my leg abit injurded and my whole body aching..hehe...Anyway back to the main point...
Morning go work as usual...den later at 10.55pm i went Rawang to see my customer to have some discussion...after tat i went find my baby for lunch at Mmm..Express. When we arrive there, I saw a gang of my primary schoolmate which not really close to them but i forget wat's their name but i jsut remember the twins is Marvin & Daren. There is a gurl i forget wat is her name, she is tall , thin , last time use to wear specs but now not, abit dark and the hair is short.. She last time same group with Min Li they all... tats all i remember of her, anyway any1 remember her name i forgot... The food there was not bad and not really expensive also.. After lunch, i fetch my baby back home and i go back office... today 5.30pm sharp we close shop already coz nth much to do... Reach home , change and take something before going for futsal... 6.35pm houren came and pick me up and we reach there at 6.55pm.. tonite we playing with Chun Kim(chun sin' bro) , June Siang(our commander 2003) , Jerome Foo and as usual a few of us, lazy to name it out... 4 of them wore Man.U jersey... Den starting of the game was quite exciting and after half and hour, the opposition team start to feel abit piss already... the face damn emo and we start to fall back but chun hoo don care still shoot only la..he drible till close to keeper and shoot..the keeper scare till the balls drop..haha... Haih, is just a game don la so emo, chillin la... After the game, went home bath and my body start aching already .. den i just rest on my bed and continue watching Forensic Heroes 2.. I watch till around 1am den i go to bed already... Tats all for today.. Ciaoz...

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