Sunday, July 6, 2008

Another BAD day!!!

Today everything was fine..goes smoothly..10am i went and take the police report i made yesterday.. it was fast and i got scold by my bro coz i din ask whether do i need to take the picture they took last nite.. So after that i went yamcha with him awhile have some discussion and tell me wat to do next time if it happen again *TOUCH WOOD 2x*... I went back my office sit there do my stuff and everything.. den my worker back from his lunch break so is time for him to go send goods to my customer...So we checked everything for him to send out ready everything outside my shop.. den he went and drive the lorry out ... I feel strange coz take him so long to come out.. Den i heard they say something accident behind.. So i quickly went and see wat happen.. Im like OMG...Wat is this new car wei...

Habis la my both car...feel so damn bro was cursing so badly... so ask the mechenic fix how much..change the hood only 3K ++ ..OMFG damn expensive wei... So my dad just have to cut my worker salary... later around 6 we close shop go back... went bath everything .. todays dinner was quite suck not to say suck is don suit me the dish.. hehe... after that i went to photocopy my IC , license and the police report...den i went and buy dvd wan to buy the forensic heroes 2.. so my wallet left 16 bucks just enough for 2 CD but not 3.. so i tell him i owe u first can coz not enough ler brother.. he was like "oklar oklar" i tell him pay u back these few days k... Thats y knowing ppl is a good thing being frensly is good too.. so u wil have some privillage hehe.. Den i went back settle everyting for my bro to bring it to his frens and settle it... so thats all for today..sleepy ..take carez nite...

Lesson to be learn : Never reverse without seeing behind... so dangerous..(lousy worker)


Unknown said...

dei w t f !
two cars in a weeks' time.
i pity u and yr bro

Yee Ven aka PAU said...

damn sui...fuck