Monday, July 28, 2008


It is Monday which the day i hate the most coz need to go back to work..sien like shit... came in office stone awhile... start work already...anyway today there is a new worker from Sabah wan, interviewed on Saturday...the wearther was so damn hot and im just quite free yesterday...the whole was quite boring...till 4 something my aunt came to our office coz she still on leave hehe... suddenly i felt headache OMG i hate the most.... 6pm close shop everything.. lucky im not driving... so i fell asleep in the car coz my head just feel so heavy... till i reach home i forget to msg chun hoo.... den he msg i faster reply "ok fetch me im home"... i quickily went up change and take everything to get ready... while waiting for him i fall alseep again... den today he drove her sister's car HONDA just like normal accord nth much different... reach 1U just in time to team is MING,MAX,KAHJIN,WALL.E,WEIYI,EVAN vs ME,GAVIN,JASON,LOREKI,WEISONG...we won the game 13-11..for fun only lar...after playing rest and change den go back lor... we went had our dinner at the salty drumstick at usual chun hoo will take 2 bowls of rice.."FAN DONG"... reach home bath and change..msn awhile den went watch my SIMPSONS...feel tired very fast den i close it and fall alseep already... before sleep call my baby awhile only sleep..hehe..I LOVE YOU...tats all..ciaoz

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