Friday, July 25, 2008

DEAD brain customer/purchaser...


Today morning i woke up late den i finish bath i quickily change everyting and went down and i see my parents is gone so i ask my maid where they went..she say they went market already..den i on the tv watching MLB for a few minutes den i fall asleep again... when my parents reach home they hon only i jump up and quickily went and put on my shoes and run into the car... my dad scolded me and say 10 minute also wan to sleep cannot get ready wan meh, HAIH!!!..den reach office open door everything get ready and wow my bro first time so early reach office..hahaha... den around 9.45am my second bro,Pang and my aunt Pauline only reach... my customer call me and say wan to change this item that day u sent wan den don that item..i was like OMG ur user so dumb wan sudddnely wan this suddenly wan that...I felt piss off and i yes yes anything la *click* hang up the phone... den later a few minute later there comes another walk-in-customer.. he wanted to buy the an air-chuck connection but he don really know how to decribe the the thing he wan when he drawn out i only know wat is it.. so i get wat he need... den he say "AHH..itu lar saya mau"... den i say this 1 cost RM24 den he was like "MANA ADA, kawan saya baru beli RM20 di sini".. yalar i know tat was how many month ago dumb ass.. cost RM12 den i sell him RM24 ok wat made in ENGLAND pls...den he bargain till i quite piss off so i like oklar RM22 wan it anot.. he was like nolar RM21 wan anot..i say cannot la den end up he pay RM22 and went off mumbling there.. fuck him la money some more wan to use branded shit...FUCK OFF!!! den stay office till 1 something only close shop coz need to wait for my worker to come back only can go...after that i went home bath and get ready to go lunch with my baby... den while waiting i was watching a dumb show call "MCDULL"..OMG is the dumbest show i ever watch and talk all kind of rubbish some more is damn damn LAME.... after that 3pm went and fetch my baby for lunch.. we went Ming Kei wanton mee.. went there just left wanton no more char siew... the stupid mee cost RM3.80..Fucking expensive...never go there again..Wongkok better RM3.50 only some more can mix wan... bastard him.. some more jsut only the mee and the wanton no vege or wat..besides that, the wanton is damn salty...asshole...went back home relex and now blog abit first tonite i will finish it..haha..


Im back to the story... todays dinner was quite late around 8.20pm... coz need to wait for my 2nd bro to wake up and he slowly take his own sweet time bastard... we went PARIS for dinner at SS2... OMG u know wat there dish come out damn super fast, really fast till u cant believe it.. the dish come out after u order.. around 10 minute or less come out already..SUPER fast.. but the dish come out not really heat wan the food... We finish need in 15 minute only..hehe... after dinner we went visit my grandparents at Bandar Utama.. My aunt and my bros went drive thru MCD McFlurry...hehe... watch ASTRO talest quast there.. abit the boring wan this year nth performance at all BORING!!!... we leave at 10.25pm like that den straight away go home...Now im here blogging..tonite yoke leng overnite my hse... i sleeping sad...later i just talk phone with my baby den go to bed coz tomolo i BBALL..Come challege my team if u reading hehehe..BRING IT ON!!.tats all lar..ciaoz..

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