Thursday, July 24, 2008

Best Lunch for the Week..WOW


Today morning i was quite free coz i just finish everything my hand...Den suddenly my aunt came my shop..i was ask her "you so frree ar?? No work ar?? " ..She on leave i see...hehe.. den she stay in my shop chit chat den till lunch we went kepong jusco..coz my mom wan to take the car money at pos office.. So we went take number first.. the number was 1391 and that time was just 1268.. so we went and take our lunch at TEMPAYAKI... i eat till damn nice..haha..i rate it 9/10 coz is the best lunch i ever had for the whole week i mean when i working la.... after that we went and see they seving wat number and it was 1640..OMG..forget it... we went back office den i still got nth to do den my aunt went and find my younger bro to go leg massage at free and nth better to we close at 5.30pm.. went back bath den on9 chit chat msn...plan to go buy CD wan after fetching my bro who knows he walk back home.. so i went out myself to but the CD la but that guy not around so i call him and ask where is he, he said just near by drinking den i say nvm la tomolo only come find u lar... so when home watch " So You Think You Can Dance " not bad their dance.. suddenly my dad come down to watch news at channel 301 AEC.. den my bro come down who change channel wan i wan to watch 8TV.. den my dad say "don bother ar u i want to watch news".. he ran off with the emotion of piss off!!!.. end up just can watch when they annouce the result only...anyway i know JOJO and SLY will out.. haha... finish everything went up my room msn till 12 something den went sleep already...i chat till i don know wat all for today...I wan to watch KUNGFU PANDA the dvd haven out so slow wan...