Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is NOT ur Fault !!

This morning 8.00am, my mom wake me up ask me wan to go shop to do some tidying and labeling anot..i say don wan , i going out later.. den they went and ask my younger bro to go.. So they left around 9.30 like that..later around 10 i receive a call from mom sasy they forget to bring the key and they ask me to bring it to them.. so after i hang up the phone i went back sleep again.. An hour later my dad call me , " u wan to bring the key anot if don wan i take myself " i say " ok ok coming now".. mean while my aunt pauline just arrive.. so i wen t change and my aunt accompany me to pass the key to them... finally we open the shop den my dad ask my aunt later got things to do anot.. my sunt say nth to do.. my dad replied happily " ok lar u help me out today, later at nite i treat u dinner good good wan ".. my aunt replied oklar i also nth to do... so we went back home first coz my aunt and bro will go breakfsat first only go down.. so i din follow them i went find my baby... after fetching my baby we decided to take away 1 maggie goreng , 1 mee goreng and 1 fish porridge.. after finish everything we went back home and eat... once we reach home we saw my aunt and bro came out from my hse.. they called me and ask whether wan to follow them 1 car go down anot.. i say not now coz i still haven take my lunch yet.. so my baby feel sad and abit mad coz she feels like she make me don wan to go and tot my parents will blame her tat she ask me don go but actually is not that.. is i myself don wan to go first haven eat anything yet some more i got car wat scare wat... if i really wan to go i cannot drive there meh.. so when we eat our meal that time my baby feel so bad and eat with the mood of unhappy and sad.. i see her like that i feel bad and i cried becoz of her being like that and is not her fault and my parents wont say anything about her.. later we claim down and finish the explaniation we slowly eat our food but end up cant finish the food also coz don really have the mood too.. at least we finish the porridge... so after eating we sit down and relax.. while relaxing we watcing tv.. suddenly around 2.30pm my eldest bro came back from Genting.. he came in wen behind ask my maid ook something for him coz he haven eat yet.. den we watch the movie " The Night in Musuem" till 3.30.. after that we chit chat around till 5.00opm i fetch her home... when i reach home, time for dinner... we went Kepong Baru at the morning market place there.. on the way going in the car, my mom mumble at me so much, i lazy to answer her i just on the radio and act nth only.. "Fai Si" i argue with her.... 6.30pm finish dinner we went back home.. i went bath and everythign .. after that i continue my Forensic Heroes 2 and i finish it already.. the ending ok only not really nice din say IVAN and BELL get married, jsut say IVAN woke up only... later tat i came only chat with baby and now im blogging here.. nth more photo to upload coz din take picture hehe.. actually nth to take also and i don really camwhore... unlike SOO, she camwhore so much..hehe..don mind soo if u reading...tats all for today.. tomolo got to work again.. sien ar.. ciaoz


Soofrine said...

hmph... wat unlike soo ar???
dun let me c u upload pictures in ur blog!! hmph...
you are so dead MR KOAY YEE VEN

Yee Ven aka PAU said...

don kar merajuk..jk only mar...ok...heehe..