Sunday, July 6, 2008

My HAPPY and WORSE day!!!!

This morning i was very happy that i receive a msg that we can go had breakfast. So i wake up bath change everything lor. Den i went and fetch her den we drop her dog for grooming at metroprima. So after dropping , we went for breakfast and happily with myparents. After taken our breakfast we went back home. Around 1.45pm the groomer call and said that the dog is ready. After 10 minute we go and pick her up. On the way to the place, i wanted to turn in to a junction but the road is full of car and i stop down...Not more den 1 minute i look into my back mirror i saw a god damn asshole drive WIRA with a fast speed and BANG my car..BANG!!!!!! I was stone and like wtf. We move aside and I come down see my car my like OMFG!!! back bumper all dented inside and my reverse sensor all gone. I was talking to the man, wat is u wan to settle now..u wan to pay me or report...(I was shevering while i talking to the man) Suddenly a "call man" came and tell us to settle so i was not dare to do anything.I quickly call my bro come. 10 min later my bro reach and say report and claim that man insurans..Tats y i hate those car that they think like they are like so nice lala car WIRA-LUSION..bull shit..Aroung 3.30 i went to KL police station near Petaling street and make the report. It was my first time going there. The proceduer was quick and we finish everything in 45 minute..We went yamcha a while in maluri... I felt like putih putih get bang on the ASS wei so innocent just for nth...stupid driver..some more SKL alot bastard...Later at nite i went out dinner with Simon to celebrate KC birthday but they came late...So we finish everything at 10.15pm and i straight away went home but they are planing to give him some lesson..hehe.. anyway we bought him a box of underwear and a lubricant..haha...

Lesson to be learn : NEVER drive fast at a busy road always be slow and steady..
not like the WIRA guy(WLC 2783)

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