Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Morning tat time everything was fine and smooth later reach 10.45pm only my dad start to piss off already coz all the goods tat need to send to my customer din come in time and all sorts of nonsens come out.. den my dad went off driving car.. my mom ask hr something, he shouted "i don know la"... Den li went lunch with my bro..OMG the place no electricity... damn hot some more ate 'ma lat pan mee' .. make me sweat like shit... when back office do my stuff den play game awhile hehehe....den went home bath and tonite dinner is STEAMBOAT.. nice and tasty hhehe.. i ate till quite full.. emm...Delicious... after that find my baby awhile chit chat and help her rub her leg coz she sprained her leg tat day so better already after rubbing... today i slept early.. i slept at 10.30 like taht.. good boy ler... coz i feel so tired...hehe...tats all..peace..

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