Thursday, July 31, 2008

Never ever believe ppl easily...

This morning was so piss off and "dulan"... coz my mom mumble alot say i don work probably always fool around only...den my dad heard he also mumble say pls work nicely la put more effort la is i pass down to u all sure close down wan" in a angry way... so i feel piss off and i don feel like doing anything and i nearly cry but i did not... so later i msg my baby she make me happy den i just forget it... later around 12 something 1 guy came in he wan to buy a automotive tools, so i went and show him.. he said he from "LONG KEE" (is 1 of our suppier) wan to borrow this to let his customer see first... i jsut borrow him and ask him to sign the cash bill and he left... after a while i went and call the company and check.. they say don have this guy... OMG i got con.. FUCK MAN... den my mumble me again mumble a lot i don care wat she say i just walk away only...haih how dumb am i... later after closing the shop, we went to the new mall call "BREM MALL" is was new and a few shops only lar.. inside they have bowling, den IT floor (folloe low yat wan) and others alot lar.. and u know wat there is cinema unbeliveble... actually we plan to go there and check the GYM wan put cant find i think they close down already sad i din take the picture of the mall, is was quite nice but abit small and look alike desa complex style..haha... later went home had my dinner den only go bath... after my bath went msn chit chat with baby for like an hour den she need to do her assignment.. after she left i went watch my G.T.O .. watch till 10pm den went and fetch my bro at Mr. Tham hse coz he tuition there... after that come back contiue watching half way fall asleep... arounf 12 something baby call me and we talk for awhile den go sleep alrady... thats all for today...remember NEVER TRUST ANYWAN which u DON KNOW.. don be so dumb like me..i know u all laugh when u read this... haha ... CIAOZ...

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