Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday is Shyennie Day...

I was sleeping nicely on my bed...Suddenly i heard someone shouting "WAKE UP AR......." i was like WTF i wan to sleep... so i look at my phone is 11 was my aunt which shout like crazy...all came in to my room, on the light and all..OMG i wan to sleep... den my aunt shout again WAKE UP AR..... Pls don shout ar me plss.... later on my bro woke up bath and get ready everything.. they are heading to PAVILION... im not going coz i don feel like going... den my turn to take bath... went to the hall sit there stone more a while...den ask my maid to cook maggie mee for me .... later finish eating my eldest bro woke up... after my meal i stone there watch tv.. damn boring ler sunday ASTRO comfrim nth to watch wan, haih... i went up my room and watch SIMPSONS haha... watch till 3 something den went yamcha with my baby... hehe... yamcha den chit chat awhile den go back lor.... went back fall asleep again till 6.45pm... later wake up for dinner.. Today's dinner is Porridge... it was GOOD!!!.... after dinner we all chill in the hall for a while lor... 9 something went up my room continue watch my SIMPSONS till 11 den msn chat with my baby till 12 something.. after that i went to bed fast sunday pass just like that...tats all... ciaoz

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