Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lots of Paterns...BEH TAHAN!!!!

Today is as usual come work at 8.15am.. den when kheny reach you will see her face black as a "cakul" i don know why but is standard already wan... there comes a customer, came to find my bro to buy some rubber sheet den my bro show him the rubber sheet we got but he say he don wan this kind, he wan the surface is smooth wan.. so kheny offer him another type call neoprene sheet.. den he say " oklar, order 1 for me first i see how".. after that when kheny wan to open a bill for him, he need to pay first.. den i say he got RM50 but he say" Can.. i pay deposite first ar.??".. kheny replied "Can.. how much u wan to pay??".."erm..RM10".. kheny like -___-".."oklar".. so after he went off.. kheny shouted OMG tat cheap guy got 50 don wan to pay all pay 10bucks as deposite... i was smiling there..hehe...anyway tat guy was " cheap jing" lousy asshole...later around 4pm, 1 of my worker come back name Yusri den my account wanted to ask him to go out take something at kepong but den kheny ask where u wan him to take why go another round?? den the acc say coz just now forget to take it.. kheny was like quite piss and say anything go ahead la... after my acc went back up to her table , she start complaning to my brother already say u like la i plan the road trip den u all deny my order and im a sales cannot plan the road trip and acc can plan so next time i ask her come down lpan eerything la don ask me do anything already ar.. OMG i hate this attitude... abit abit merajuk la den talk alot lar..patern alor la..actually i cant stand her attitude wan do like so many patern abit abit like wan to fight only...not to say i wan to say bad about her la but her attiude just damn bad la some more she suddenly can emo wan that make me more piss off... ***K her la.... she like to kepo so much and we cannot know her thing but she can know other ppl things..GRR..don talk about her la.. talk more make me more piss..back to my topic... later tat we went home i din bath coz i playing bball later.. dinner den i fall alseep for a while... 8pm i went out for bball alraedy but before that i went find my baby a while..hehe... after that only go bball.. who knows i reach there i see Jason they all still stone there coz no 1 bring ball.. i laugh at them haha reach quite early and no ball hahah.. so Jason call Ming to drop by and pass the bball to us...we waited for 10 minute like tat den Ming reach already.. so we play play till 9.50pm i gtg already coz need to fetch my bro from tuition... den on the way i msg him ask him to wait for me i will be late abit... i fly to his tuition place which is Mr. Tham hse.. den when i reach there he msg said that he reach..i was like Fuck u la GRR..mean while i saw Soo just come with her bf... he upgrade his car to ODESSY i din know... wow so nice car, Soo so lucky ar you to have a lovely i pusposely call her and kacau her..after that went home bath change on9 awhile only den watch tv den went to bed alraedy... the END...hehe.. BYE...


Soofrine said...

swt la u..
i said honda stream la..
not odessy

Yee Ven aka PAU said...

sorry la i heard odessy..sry la.. stream good ar..sad..